Loyola University Lake Shore Campus Chilled Water Plant

ADDRESS: 6840 N Sacramento Ave, Chicago, IL 60645
BUILDING TYPE: Higher Education, Campus
TEAM / TEAM LEAD: Don McLauchlan
TEAM / TEAM LEAD: Don McLauchlan, Cem Diniz
ELARA ROLE: Mechanical, Electrical Engineer

Project Highlights & Results

  • To establish N+1 chilled water redundancy for the campus, Elara identified the need
    to expand chiller and cooling tower capacity at the central CHW plant due to the
    growing campus demand and lack of redundancy within the existing plant.
  • In addition to the installation of a new high efficiency chiller and cooling tower,
    the project included refurbishing existing cooling tower cells with new fill media,
    spray nozzles, and inlet screens; and cleaning the existing chillers, repairing existing
    structural steel, and upgrading the electrical service.
  • The sequence of operation for the entire central chilled water plant was updated to
    achieve optimal operational performance.

Additional Details

Loyola University Lake Shore Campus Chilled Water Plant


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We look at things differently – because we can.


Sustainable designs for sustainable results: the ultimate goal.