Elara Secures $400,000 ComEd Energy Efficiency Program Incentive Award for Client

After successfully submitting an application to Commonwealth Edison on behalf of its client, Colliers, Elara Engineering was informed by ComEd’s Energy Efficiency Program Team that its chiller replacement project at Two Prudential Plaza in downtown Chicago had been awarded a $400,000 incentive. The project scope included replacement of a large central plant chiller with a new variable speed chiller as well as control sequence optimizations which will lead to increased chiller plant efficiencies during operation. Nearly a dozen chiller options were analyzed as part of a life-cycle cost analysis which took into account first cost, energy efficiency, maintenance costs, and incentives.  On average, it is anticipated that the new chiller will utilize approximately 30% less energy.

With this most recent award, the total dollar value of accumulative incentives that Elara has obtained for its clients has exceeded $7,454,000.

Elara’s Incentive Procurement Team

Incentives are received after a detailed application process and successful completion of the designed project. Lead by Elara’s Incentive Procurement Team and working with our clients and program representatives during the assessment and design phase of an energy project; Elara checks project and equipment eligibility, develops, submits and tracks the pre-approval application, completes the project design, reviews the installation of selected equipment, and submits the final application once the project is complete, including required measurement and verification data for custom projects.

Through its relationships with program representatives and with over a decade of participation in incentive program round tables and conferences, Elara has the ability to maximize the incentive amounts for our clients and streamline the incentive application and approval process.

For additional information about Elara’s incentive procurement expertise and experience, please contact incentives@elaraeng.com.

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