In collaboration with Indian Trails Public Library (ITPL) , Elara Engineering completed and submitted an EBSCO Industries, Inc. (EBSCO) Solar grant application to offset the installation costs of a solar panel array to further reduce the Library’s annual electricity expenditures. EBSCO received 90 submissions from 15 countries for the 2017 grant.
Elara’s energy modeling experts provided the following information and data for the grant application submittal:

- Computation of solar accommodating roof area according to calculated shade lengths of existing roof elements during winter solstice.
- Modeling and computation of panel inclination angle of highest photovoltaic efficiency.
- Modeling of solar building performance, including thermal imaging of building exterior and solar inclination angles.
- Comprehensive schematic descriptions of sustainability projects already completed for the Library:Geothermal Heating and Cooling
- Energy Recovering Dedicated Outdoor Air Handling Units
- Variable Air Volume Terminals with Demand (occupancy sensing) Control and Automation
- LED Efficient Lighting
- Conversion of backup generators to natural gas.
- Review of local roofing and electrical building code requirements
Congratulations to Indian Trails Public Library for its ongoing dedication to environmental sustainability, including its strong commitment to the use of renewable energy sources.